A national meeting on the establishment of Regional University–Industry Technology Transfer Centers (RUITTCs) was held in Nanjing on Dec. 26. Education Minister Huai Jinpeng and Jiangsu Governor Xu Kunlin attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Vice Minister of Education Wu Yan served as moderator.
Minister Huai noted that the Central Government places great emphasis on university–industry technology transfer, viewing it as essential to facilitating higher education reform, boosting technology innovation, and sustaining robust economic development. He emphasized the importance of analyzing opportunities and challenges brought about by emerging technologies and demographic changes. He also suggested that construction of a network of technology transfer centers be supported by favorable policies, adequate financial resources, and sound evaluation systems.
Governor Xu described successes in setting up the RUITTC in Jiangsu. He pledged to intensify policy support, increase financial services, and improve platform services, thus enabling the Jiangsu-based center to serve as a model for facilitating university–industry collaboration and technology innovation.
More RUITTCs will be built in regions featuring clusters of well-established and innovative industries as well as vibrant financial markets. To facilitate efficient commercialization of university research results, the centers will develop one-stop public platforms equipped with strong teams of technology transfer consultants.
Officials from the Beijing Municipal Government, Guangdong Provincial Government, and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, as well as representatives from several universities and enterprises, shared insights at the meeting. Other attendees included officials from ministries and local governments, experts from the Jiangsu RUITTC, and winners of the 2024 China International College Students’ Innovation Competition.
During his trip to Nanjing, Minister Huai also visited China Pharmaceutical University and Hohai University.