Press Releases

Chen Jie attends 6th Kunming Forum on Education Cooperation in South and Southeast Asia


The 6th Kunming Forum on Education Cooperation in South and Southeast Asia opened on Dec. 15 in Kunming, Yunnan province in China, with the theme of “Working Together for Common Development.” Vice Minister of Education Chen Jie attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

Chen said that this year, President Xi Jinping had put forth significant educational cooperation initiatives on many occasions, providing clear direction for the opening up of China’s educational sector in the new era. Over the past year, China has actively engaged in global educational governance to promote educational exchange and cooperation with countries worldwide, giving substantial support to exchange among Chinese and international school leaders, experts, teachers and students and continuing to expand the openness of education to the outside world. He added that China is willing to further strengthen cooperation with countries in South and Southeast Asia in the areas of higher education, basic education, vocational education and digital education. This includes supporting Yunnan to leverage its geographical advantages to enhance cooperation with South and Southeast Asian countries and explore new methods of educational cooperation.

Deputy Governor of Yunnan Provincial Government Zhang Zhili attended the event and delivered a speech.