Vocational Education in Figures

Employment rates of vocational education

Source: www.moe.gov.cn

Vocational education has made greater contribution to economic and social development by building human capital. The employment rate of secondary vocational school graduates has stood at over 95% for 10 consecutive years, and the rate for vocational college graduates six months after their graduation has exceeded 90% in recent years. In 2018, nearly 70% of vocational education graduates found jobs in counties and cities near their schools; and over 70% of those entering the workforce in modern manufacturing and emerging industries graduated from vocational education institutions. Vocational education graduates have become a new force for facilitating the development of SME clusters or networks and catapulting regional industries to the upper end of the value chain. In addition, China has cooperated with various developing countries and international organizations in providing training services and support to school construction projects in these countries and sharing its own experiences in vocational education development.