
A small rural boarding school: Gaogou Primary School in Tiemeng Town, Xin’an County, Henan Province

Source: www.moe.gov.cn

Ms. Shang Jin helps pupils with their reading in the Gaogou Primary School library. The school, which serves 10 nearby villages, is well-equipped and regularly organizes a wide variety of activities for students, such as handiwork, calligraphy, computer and painting workshops, as well as musical performances. In order to gain clearer insight into the challenges facing education at grass roots level, MOE Public Information Office staff visited Gaogou Primary School in Henan on May 10. The visit allowed officials to observe in person development in action at small village schools and rural boarding schools, as part of a communications campaign entitled “Education Endeavor 1+1”. [Photo/Zhang Jinsong; Caption/Li Dan]

Music Class at Gaogou Primary School: Ms. Cui Ying teaching 2nd graders the song “Selling Newspaper”. [Photo/Zhang Jinsong; Caption/Li Dan]

Computer class at Gaogou Primary School: Mr. You Fu introducing “Word” software to 6th graders. [Photo/Zhang Jinsong; Caption/Li Dan]

Art class at Gaogou Primary School: Ms. Liu Xin screening “Fun letter cards” to 4th graders. [Photo/Zhang Jinsong; Caption/Li Dan]

Handiwork studio of Gaogou Primary School: Ms. Su Rui teaches students how to make DIY decorative paper plates. [Photo/Zhang Jinsong; Caption/Li Dan]

Newly-built football pitch at Gaogou Primary School: students play “Throw the handkerchief”. [Photo/Zhang Jinsong; Caption/Li Dan]

Newly-built football pitch in Gaogou Primary School: Ms. Cui Ying playing the “Eagle catching chicks” game with students. [Photo/Zhang Jinsong; Caption/Li Dan]