National Base Situation

Number of Web-based Students for Short-cycle Courses in HEIs by Discipline

    Total 1267274 2164704 5430796
    其中:女 of Which: Female 590902 944785 2424166
农林牧渔大类 Agriculture,Forestry,Husbandry and Fishing  42714 27031 136216
资源环境与安全大类 Resources Environment and Safety 8326 23325 41914
能源动力与材料大类 Energy Power and Material 13203 13103 30990
土木建筑大类 Civil Engineering and Architecture 119757 185879 440315
水利大类 Water Resources 6838 8914 25872
装备制造大类 Equipment Manufacturing 86419 142784 344628
生物与化工大类 Biology and Chemical Engineering 3487 5849 13277
轻工纺织大类 Light Industry and Textile 343 290 788
食品药品与粮食大类 Food,Medicine and Grain 1442 3330 7305
交通运输大类 Transportation and Communication 33433 55426 125423
电子信息大类 Electronic Information 61734 151900 340728
医药卫生大类 Medical and Health  60148 77830 218692
财经商贸大类 Finance,Economics and Business 388233 649326 1649060
旅游大类 Tourism 7586 15246 39892
文化艺术大类 Culture and Arts 5433 9597 34085
新闻传播大类 Journalism and Communication 366 909 2999
教育与体育大类 Education and Sport 122114 203485 543942
公安与司法大类 Public Security and Justice 65338 98808 296658
公共管理与服务大类 Public Administration and Service 240360 491672 1138012
of theTotal: Students Enrolled in Teacher Training Institutions
35895 68381 150126