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Opening of The 3rd National Fair on ICT Use in Basic Education

Source: China Education Daily

The 3rd National Fair on ICT Use in Basic Education, organized by the Department of Basic Education under the MOE, was held on May 5th in Beijing. Vice Minister of Education ZHU Zhiwen attended the event and delivered a speech at its opening ceremony.

Zhu emphasized the role played by ICT in improving the management and effectiveness of and access to quality education. He underscored the strategic and critical importance of further applying ICT in basic education, building on the momentum generated through efforts to build e-campuses since the 18th CPC congress, most notably, on progress made in inter-school broadband network connectivity, inter-class quality resource sharing, creation of online classes, and development of public service platforms for pooling and managing pedagogical resources. Zhu urged stakeholders to seize the unprecedented opportunities brought about by this new momentum given to the digital transformation driven by progress in internet technology, to reform and raise standards in China’s basic education.

The 3-day event was a showcase for best practices on the use of ICT in basic education from across the country, reflecting how educational innovation, equality, quality and management can be improved in China through the application of technology.