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Vice-minister of education attends UNESCO ministerial meeting


Li Xiaohong, Chinese vice-minister of education, attended an education ministerial meeting between UNESCO’s nine most populous nations in Dacca, capital of Bangladesh from February 5 to 7.

Li delivered a speech and introduced China’s education strategy and actions for the promotion of Chinese education until the year 2030. He pointed out that China will take three steps to realize the targets in the educational field by that year.

First, it publicizes the concept of lifelong learning in the population as a whole. In addition, it promotes educational fairness and enhancement of different modes of education.

To meet the common challenges, Li appealed to the nine countries to join hands and cooperate closely.

He also proposed to further strengthen exchange and cooperation between the nine countries and UNESCO. The meeting ended with execution of the Dacca Declaration.

The ministerial meeting was launched in 1993 as a UNESCO event for the promotion of educational dialogue and cooperation between the most populous developing countries including China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia. It seeks to further the realization of global educational targets.